As with any press, I’m grateful to get it when I can. The past couple years have been scattered and just chaotic at times – “Ever since Covid..” is what I and so many small business owners seem to say. In this article for the online creative magazine, CanvasRebel, I take a moment to thank a very special mentor in my life here in Sarasota, Florida, who was very kind to me when the world wasn’t.

I hope you enjoy this article and have a chance to read about some of the other great creatives featured in this magazine.

ARTicle for CANVASREBEL September 2022

Below is an excerpt from the article:

“Superhero 2022″ in situ with white frame. Oil on canvas, 54″x54” all rights reserved by Laurie Maves ART LLC

Are there any resources you wish you knew about earlier in your creative journey?

I don’t know if it’s a specific resource but I certainly would’ve started working with interior designers much earlier in my career. I think in the beginning when I was in my 20s I was just focused on making paintings and getting them into art shows and galleries and I thought that was something that was important as far as being a “professional artist” but later in life I realized that I seem to be more successful and able to challenge my skill sets more when I’m working with other professionals in the field such as interior designers, interior decorators and architects. For me, that’s been a great resource and a great environment to work in, and I really wish I had pursued that earlier. That is one thing I would recommend for young artists.